Friday, February 8, 2013


Ok, so this month, my focus is 28 Days of Debt Reduction. Actually, that is the focus for our whole year...or until the debt is paid. Last month we focused trying not to spend money on groceries (or anything else).  We are still in that same mode, but the additional focus is to bring in extra money, while continuing to refrain from spending.

I made a list of ways to make extra money this month.

Here is the preliminary list:

  • Sell drum set.
  • Sell very(!) expensive game table we never used.
  • Upload more items on Etsy.
  • Call antique dealer about looking at my items for purchase in bulk
  • Look for more ways to make money part time
  • Clean out closet and take clothes to resale shop
  • List items on Ebay
  • Research selling on
  • Inquire about typing jobs

So this is what I came up with off the top of my head.  I think it just about covers just about any and everything I could think of.

One of my challenges is where to sell the game table.  I actually own 3 games tables.  2 are in the garage.  The very, very nice one we bought at an auction.  It was an impulse purchase.  The auctioneer was going once, going twice...and I knew my husband really, really like the maker of this furniture.  So I told him to get it, and he did.

I don't remember ever using it.  It has been at least 2 years.  We got it at a steal for $1600.00  Really.  It was priced much higher.  It's a beautiful piece of furniture, but it's not meant for heavy use or by teenagers at all.  So we keep the game table we don't use in the game room...and...kinda...keep our kids from using it. :)  It's time to go.

So, as money comes in, I will update and post the amounts.

In the meantime, look who came to see me this week...

Sweet Grandbaby Corbin!


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