Saturday, January 5, 2013


Ok, so I realized I need to introduce myself.  How very rude of me to leave that out.  Which is kinda weird, because I am such a communicator and a people person and I am always talking…telling stories, laughing, talking to strangers in public…so here goes…

I am a creative kind of person.  I like so many different and fun things.  Some related and some not.  For one thing, I am a worship leader, so I SING and lead worship in churches, conferences in the U.S. and internationally - like in Africa, London, Bolivia and Trinidad & Tobago…  I speak sometimes to women, and churches and children…I train worship teams and decorate churches...

I am a Texas girl.  I am conservative.  I grew up in Dallas, but lived in a tiny town for 20 years where we didn't lock our houses or cars.  I am patriotic and I love my country.  I believe in personal responsibility and old-fashioned manners and chivalry.

I love old books & other old things - antiques, vintage, collectibles.  I love to shop at flea markets, estate sales, garage sales, your junk closet…

And I am a decorator.  I have decorated lots of people's houses and I have helped a lot of people clean out their junk and organize their houses, etc.  I have decorated my own homes in styles from Almost-Empty Apartment to Shabby Chic to Victorian to Traditional…I love used book stores, and junk and thrift stores…I sometimes sell things on Ebay…and now - Etsy.

I am a procrastinator.  I also start lots of things that I never finish.  I always have good intentions.

I love God - He is my best friend so I talk to Him a lot.  I've known him practically all my life!  I love PEOPLE!  I hardly know a stranger - well, unless someone is mean - then I clam up.  I am always into SOMETHING.  Either I am starting a business, having a garage sale, flying to a foreign country, playing on the floor with grandkids, scrubbing grout, tearing off someone's wallpaper, helping plan a women's conference, making something out of paper, making a LIST (!), reorganizing my house, writing a song, redecorating in my mind, praying in my closet, singing, baking, cooking something new, entering a contest, walking, sitting at the computer (a lot!), organizing my bazillion family pictures, editing photos on my Mac, planning a party, having friends over for the weekend…

I have had a pet raccoon, skunk, dogs, and cats.  I have owned chickens, ducks, pigs, lizards, and guinea pigs.

I love blogs - other people's - I haven't been able to last longer than 3 days on my past blog tryouts :)  Bear with me.  We will see how this goes...

I love to write, although I don't do it enough.  I love sweet little babies, and children of all kinds!  I love old people - I visited in nursing homes for years while I raised my children (in a country town of 1800 people) and sang and read the Bible to the elderly.  I have home schooled for 15 years (and still am!)  I love lap booking and crafts and field trips.  And the smell of school supplies!  Which reminds me.  I love romantic comedies, my favorite being You've Got Mail.

I love making something out of nothing.  I love using my resources - whatever I have in my hand to make something wonderful.  I love budgeting and finances and planning...

I play the violin (classical and fiddle).  I try to play the piano.  I used to play the clarinet.  I CAN NOT dance.

I love to dress up and feel beautiful.  I love to go to formal events and experience the finer things in life.  Parts of my life were very hard.  There are things I won't ever be able to share on here.  Parts of my life were very, very ugly.  And shameful.  But my story has changed for the better.  When I have shared some of the not-so-great things about my life, most people find it hard to believe.  That is because I've been changed by God's power.  His redeeming, never-ending, precious and beautiful blood washed over all of my past.  I am so grateful.

I have painted a lot.  Everything from walls in houses to small pieces of paper.  I love EPHEMERA - I have so much of my VERY OWN ephemera, but I only recently found out that is what it is!  I love books (I have thousands of them; started collecting in high school), and handmade books, and decorating weddings, jewelry, clothes, and scrapbooking - and photos, and the history and genealogy of my family.  Oh, yes, my family...

I am married to a wonderful (& quiet) man; I am a mother of 4, I birthed 3 of them, non-medicated style; the 4th one I raised during their turbulent teen years; one still lives at home; I am a grandmother of 6 beautiful babies, ages 8 down to a few months.  My father died of AIDS, my mother remarried - my dad's brother - so my uncle is my dad now :)  You may have to read that part again.  I have 3 brothers; one is mentally challenged; I have friends that I have known since junior high school (!!!) and I am still making new ones.

Now you have it - about 35% of who I am…I hope you lasted to the end :)  Thank you for listening… :D  Now, tell me about YOU!


P.S.  I really need some help making my blog look like I want it to.

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