Friday, January 4, 2013


MY FIRST POST (I'm so excited!!!)

I have 1004 ideas I want to start with.  At least.

This is what I'm going to do first (while trying to figure out how to make this blog more beautiful): I will share with you our family's 1st attempt at 31 days of (almost) no spending.  I had this inspiration out of necessity.  We are trying to pay off some debt and are trying to be as creative as possible.  I'm sure you've heard the old getting-out-of-debt adage: if you want to get out of debt, you must make more money and/or spend less than you make.  Well, I'm choosing to control how much I spend this month and my family is coming along with me...somewhat willingly.  

I want to inspire you to join me!

I've done this no-spending before.  Not 31 days!  I done this for a week before, but I didn't TELL anyone about it.  I just didn't know it was something OTHER people did :)  I guess some of my crazy frugal ways are going to be showing.  Oops.

We actually started on January 1st.  The problem was that I didn't have a blog yet, so I spent the last 3 days researching blog names, blog hosts, and everything else related to starting a blog.  Really.  I naively got on my laptop on January 1, prepared to start blogging.  Hahaha-haha.  Hmmm, so I started a blog without planning ahead.  

Now I am starting this without planning ahead.  At least not specifically for this endeavor.  I haven't stocked up my pantry or fridge.  I primarily shop deals, with some couponing.  That means that I have already stocked up my fridge because of my natural shopping habits.

I am going to allow $25 this month for items such as milk and fresh fruits as necessary.  Shoot, we usually spend more than that just on milk!  And there are only 3 three of us living here.

In the meantime, I must go cook some frozen Christmas leftovers.  Then, I'm going to spiffy up the blog.  This will never cut it.

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