Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Well, I bought some more food.  Considering I didn't plan this ahead of time and make sure I had all my essentials, I went and spent ALL of the remainder of my $30 allotment for the month.

I know - that's crazy because I have 1/2 month left!  Aldi had such great deals on fruits and veggies this week, and that is what I was low on out of.  So, I went to Walmart and price-matched and for $14, I got the following:

  • Bananas
  • Avocados
  • Potatoes
  • Gala and Fuji apples
  • Sugar (we use this for tea and coffee)
  • 3 gallons milk
  • romaine lettuce
  • Saltine crackers (my husband's staff of life) :-)

I will freeze at least one of the gallons of milk to make sure it doesn't go bad before the month is up.  The 10 pounds of potatoes were $1.50 and I just added a ton of variety to some of the meals.  I know it's another starch, but potatoes are rich in vitamins B and C, potassium, copper manganese, fiber and tryptophan (guessing that is why they are a comfort food).

According to The World's Healthiest Foods, they are the number 1 vegetable crop in the world.  I didn't know that.  Also, they say they rival broccoli in fighting cancer and they are can lower blood pressure!  I definitely didn't know that.  Here is the link:  World's Healthiest Foods: Potatoes  Make sure you read about the health benefits!

You really need to read the whole article.  It is very interesting considering potatoes have gotten a bad reputation.  And, yes, I know we tend to load lots of fattening foods on top of them like butter and sour cream.  I will discuss butter again very soon.  It also gets a bad rap and I will go to bat for it.

Three (well, 4) great ways to make potatoes: 

  1. Slice them into french fries (thick or thin), spray them with olive oil (with a pump sprayer) and shake some spices on like salt & pepper, or seasoned salt. Pop them in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or so.  Quick, easy and healthful. 
  2. Boil and mash them; go easy on the butter.
  3. Bake them in the microwave or oven.  If I use the oven, I wrap them in foil and bake them on the highest setting (500 degrees?) for about an hour.  It makes them very soft and mushy.  Salt & pepper them and add butter.  You can use greek yogurt in the place of sour cream!!!
  4. Make them into potato salad.  I got this recipe from my former DIL.  So simple and so good.  I will have to estimate quantities, though.  I have never written it down.  Use about 5 or 6 medium potatoes.  Microwave them whole until done.  Boil 3 or 4 eggs.  Peel the potatoes (or not) and peel and chop the eggs.  Slightly cool the potatoes and cut into cubes or mash lightly in a bowl. Dump the eggs into the potatoes, add real mayo (start with 3/4 cup full; add more if needed) and salt and pepper to taste.  That's it.  But it's my favorite potato salad in all the world.

So, I'm all set for the rest of the month.

I haven't used much food in the last few days because my husband and son were in Jamaica helping conduct the HonorBound men's conference.

As far as main dishes, I did make a huge pot of Chicken & Rice because my daughter and grandson came in for the weekend. I also made a pan of turkey and dressing, with cranberry sauce and gravy.  (DD is a poultry lover!)  Last night, we made chicken salad with apples and walnuts!


See you again soon!

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