Saturday, January 5, 2013


As I sit here this morning, all cozy under a blanket on my couch and ready to face the day - coffee by my side - I am inspired to write a list of --- resolutions.

I hesitate to use that term, because it is overused and sometimes scoffed at.  Probably because most everyone has made them, and then failed at them.  It's because we are not perfect.

But that's ok.

I choose to look at it another way.

The reality is that it is a GOOD THING to take a specific starting date or time period and reevaluate our lives (or anything that we are involved in) and make adjustments.  The beauty of it is that we are inspired to start over at what we are already failing at, or falling short of, or whatever.  At least it's a temporary improvement!  We need a Disciplined Life.  It brings peace, and order, and smiles.

I went a step farther in making my list by allocating a targeting minimum amount of time for each item.  I realize that, as a stay-at-home mom, I have unaccounted-for hours in my day.  They run together like water.  I want to separate them - I want to redeem the time (Ephesians 5:16).  And just because something is on my list, does not mean I am not doing it now.  It's just my new, updated, expanded, beginning of the year priorities, my Good Life List.

Here is my list (albiet imperfect):

  1. 60 min - Worship time/prayer/bible reading/exercise
  2. 15 min - Day-planning (each day, so they don't run together like water).
  3. 60 min - Social time (this would include phone calls with friends and Facebook)
  4. 60 min - Time alone with my husband
  5. 60 min - Time alone with my son
  6. 90 min - Writing time
  7. 45 min - Practice violin and piano
  8. 15 min - Random Acts of Kindness time
  9. 60 min - General housekeeping

Obviously, I do a lot more in my day than what is on this list.  But these things tend to get squeezed out, pulled at, forgotten.  The hours run together and I look back at the end of the day, and some of them haven't been accomplished...sometimes for days or weeks on end.  A couple of them fall on the other end of the spectrum - I have to limit them.

When I read the list, I have to fight a fear that I have left off important priorities, or no-brainers.  I fear that someone will point out something I've left off that makes me look ridiculous.  I'm facing my fear.  I've finished it - no more editing.

I'm trying to maintain order and balance.  And I'm not spending any money either.  Today is Day 5 of our family's 31 Days of (Almost) No Spending.  You don't see any time allocated on here for shopping.

That alone gives me an hour or two every day.  :)


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