Thursday, January 24, 2013


Here are a few of the things (just off the top of my head) that I do to keep my life simple...

  • I buy easy-care, washable, no-iron clothes.
  • I haven't used fabric softener in years.
  • I wash my laundry once per week, and usually finish by noon.
  • I reuse towels and wash them when I wash once a week.
  • I hang up clean-smelling clothes and re-wear them.
  • I have always made simple, homemade recipes.
  • I get rid of clothes that I don't wear.
  • I regularly get rid of unwanted stuff in my house.
  • I time myself in the shower, while getting dressed and putting on my makeup so I will get through more quickly (for various reasons).

I will elaborate on these at another time...

Meanwhile, this is Day 24 of my 31 Days of (Almost) No Spending.  I am counting the days (8) until I can go back to the grocery store!  

I made a trip to CVS this week, though.  I had some Extra Care Bucks (ECBs) of $5, so I counted that not as money spent, but as a credit that was turned in.  :)  I used coupons and spent about $3 out of pocket, but I received $6 in ECBs and got about $35 in product.  That would be 5 anti-perspirant/deodorants and a tube of toothpaste.  Ok, so the $35 is debatable - but that is what it would have cost if I had bought the products from CVS without a sale or a coupon.  Something I would NEVER do!

Ok, so I admit that I also went to Kroger.  I bought 3 Chobani yogurt tubs for .10 each.  But I used spare change from the bottom of my purse.  Hehe.

I still cannot believe how long the food is lasting in my house.  It's just like the freezer and pantry are bottomless.  No, really.  Here are some of the changes that I realize have come about from just the fact that we made this decision to not spend (hardly anything at all...):

-  I use up leftovers instead of throwing them out.  In other words, I had a very small amount left of a main dish the other day. I paired it with some leftover sides and I had a very nice meal!  Normally, I would have thrown it out because it wasn't "enough" to keep. 
-  I am using some items in my pantry and freezer that, although I purchased them to eat, I have continually avoided - until now.   
-  I can't say this enough - KNOWING that there is a limited amount of something causes me to appreciate it more.  It also causes me to think outside the box and stretch it or use it in a different way that I would have previously. 
-  I now realize I have a lot more to work with than I thought and I don't need to shop as often or spend NEARLY as much. 
- I have not had to eat anything that I really didn't want, nor have I had to eat a weird combination of foods (yet). 

There is still a LOT of food in my pantry and freezer!!!  There is quite a bit of food left in my fridge.

See ya!

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